UK NINO The National Insurance Number ( NINO) is an alphanumeric number of nine characters used in the United Kingdom for national insurance and tax purposes. UKNINO国家保险号(NINO)是英国使用的包含9个字符的字母数字编号,用于国家保险和税收用途。
Figures released recently by the Office for National Statistics show that the number of stay-at-home fathers has doubled in the past 20 years. 英国国家统计局(OfficeforNationalStatistics)最近发布的数据显示,英国家庭主夫的数量在过去20年增加了一倍。
Figures from the Office for National Statistics show the number of women who are five years older than their husbands has doubled from 1 per cent in 1963 to 2 per cent in 2003. 来自英国国家统计局的数据显示,年龄比丈夫大五岁的女性比例在2003年为2%,相比1963年的1%翻了一番。
Do you have a National ID number, or other unique identifier that was issued to you by any government? 你有身份证号,或其他由政府颁发给你的特殊标识吗?
"national tax number" means the number assigned to an assessee borne on national tax register of the income tax department; 国家税号指的是所得税征收机构分发给财产被评估人的国家税收注册号。
Children's Choir of steel baby as the country's leading national orchestra, a number of awards in the national competition by foreign experts praise. 钢娃少儿合唱团作为全国一流的民族乐团,在全国比赛中多次获奖,受到国内外专家好评。
Those at the top no matter how you slice it are enjoying a larger share of the national pie; the number below the poverty level is growing. 不管你如何解读,收入最高的人群正享用着更大的一块蛋糕;位于贫困线以下的人群正在扩大。
National call number of a gentex office 自通电报局的本国呼叫号码
Volunteers must fill out an extensive questionnaire, give blood and urine samples and provide their name, address, sex, national health service number, date of birth and general practitioner. 志愿者必须填写一份详细的调查表,捐献血样和尿样,并提供自己的名字、住址、性别、国民健康服务号码、出生日期和常用医生的信息。
Stainless Spring Wire-National Standard number, Characteristics, Surface finish& Chemical composition 常用的弹簧不锈钢线-编号,特性,表面处理及化学成份
To publish newspapers, a publishing unit must get approval of the Press and Publication Administration, national unified publication number and newspaper publication license. 报纸出版单位出版报纸,必须经新闻出版总署批准,持有国内统一连续出版物号,领取《报纸出版许可证》。
The number of Hunan youth studying in France accounted for one quarter of the national total number. 湖南青年赴法人数几乎占全国总数的四分之一。
This paper mainly consider the case that K is the national number field, and its extension is a rational number field by adding a n-th root of rational integer u, and gets some results according to different number n. 本文主要考虑的这个K是有理数域Q,并且其扩张是在Q上添加一个n次根,并且根据n的不同得到相应结论。
In the light of the Technical Specifications of the National Telephone Number Enquiry Service Network, several spe-cific solutions of the implementation of the national telephone directory system interconnection are proposed and compared. 本文根据《全国电话号码查询业务网技术体制》的要求,提出几种具体的全国电话号码联网查号实施方案,并加以比较。
The purpose of this article is to introduce and investigate Russian national culture reflected by number. 该文就“数”所反映的俄罗斯民族文化作一简介和探讨。
Some Aspects of Implementing the National Telephone Number Enquiry Service Network 实现全国电话号码查询业务网若干问题的研究
Athletics is the basis of competitive sports games, and it is also the most important events, whether in the Asian games, the Olympic Games, the national athletics, the number of medals determines the race results. 田径运动是竞技体育比赛的基础,也是最重要比赛项目,无论是在奥运会、亚运会、全运会上田径项目奖牌的多少,都决定着整个比赛的成绩。
With the constant expansion of the national grid, the number of its inspection and repair network equipment dramatic increase in volume, and the budget management of equipment maintenance costs are becoming an important part of cost management. 随着国家电网规模的不断扩大,电网设备数量及其检修量也急剧增加,输电、变电、配电设备检修费用的预算管理日渐成为国网公司电力成本管理的重要内容。
But according to the results of the survey, the national regions quite a number of concrete pavement, did not reach the design in use period, before the crack, can appear in the form of disease. 但是调查结果显示,全国各地区相当数量的混凝土路面,在未达到设计使用期限之前,就出现了裂缝、断板等形式的病害。
The unit of the three National Games and number of athletes had increased gradually, and the three National Games had attached great importance to the sports news reports, to let people understand the National Games. 参赛单位和运动员人数逐次都有增多,并且主办方都极为重视新闻报导,以图让民众对全国运动会有更多的认识。
With the acceleration of national industrialization, the number of companies who recognize the importance of industrial automation has increased. 伴随着国家工业化进程的加快,越来越多的企业开始认识到工业自动化的重要性。
However, despite 70-90 years of the 20th century reform of Yellowstone National Park offers a number of valuable experience, however, it also failed to completely solve the human economic activities and sustainable use of natural contradiction between the challenges ahead is still tough. 但是,尽管20世纪70-90年代黄石国家公园改革提供了许多可贵的经验,然而,它也未能完全解决人类经济活动与自然环境的可持续利用之间的矛盾,未来的挑战仍然严峻。
In both Chinese and Australian national mathematics curricula," number and algebra"' and "statistics and probability" are two single out of four ( three) content strands. The two curricula in both countries have the same intentions and requirements on these two contents. 在两国的国家数学课程中,数与代数与统计与概率都分别作为两个独立的内容领域,且在这两个内容上体现出了相同的理念与要求。
In recent years, national Customs has a number of cases of administrative compensation, which deeply reflect the incompatibility between the law enforcement of Customs and the demand for the situation development. 近年来,全国海关连续发生多起行政赔偿案件,深刻地反映出海关的整体执法水平与形势发展的要求还不相适应,通关监管工作还存在一些不和谐因素。
In modern society, the level of the electric power industry has become an important symbol to reflect the development level of the national economy. The number of per capita consumption of electricity has also become an important indicator for measuring living standards of modern people. 在现代社会中,电力工业的发展水平已成为反映国家经济发达程度的重要标志;人均消费电能的数量也成为衡量人们现代生活水平的重要指标。
In recent years, the national put forward a number of energy saving related policies, large-scale building gradually step into the energy dynamic monitoring phase, large public building energy data dynamic storage, data analysis and report shows. 近年来,国家在节能减排方面制定了许多政策,大型公共建筑逐渐进入能耗动态监测阶段,对公共建筑能耗数据动态存储、数据分析、以及报表展示。
According to statistics, the quantity of listed high-tech enterprises by the national recognition of the number listed companies in China only about 1% of the total. 据统计,经国家认定的高新技术企业上市数量只占我国上市公司总量的1%左右。
The rural finance reform has become the policy orientation by financial innovation in order to increase the supply of rural finance, with the national number of rural financial development policies to encourage the introduction of various new-type rural financial institutions came into being. 通过金融创新以增加农村资金供给,已成为当前农村金融改革的政策取向,随着国家多项鼓励农村金融服务体系发展政策的出台,各种新型农村金融机构应运而生。
Due to our rapid growth of national economy, the number of small and medium-sized enterprises is becoming more and more and more and more important in the position in national economy. 由于我们国家经济的飞速增长,中小企业的数量越来越多,在国民经济中的地位越来越重要。